Saturday, March 17, 2007

Yoga Nidra, Yogic Deep Sleep Meditation Thousands of Years Old

It is a universally known feature of Deep Sleep that there
are no images in the mind. If there are images, that is the
Waking or the Dreaming state, not the Deep Sleep state.
Yoga Nidra relates to conscious Deep Sleep.
("Nidra" means "Deep Sleep" not "Dreaming")
Dreaming and Not-Dreaming are NOT the same thing.

See also:


Yoga Nidra has been known for thousands of years by the sages and yogis. Of the three states of consciousness of Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep, as expounded in the Upanishads, particularly the Mandukya Upanishad, Yoga Nidra refers to the conscious awareness of the Deep Sleep state, referred to as prajna in Mandukya Upanishad. This is the third of the four levels of consciousness of AUM mantra, relating to the state represented by the M of AUM. The four states are Waking, Dreaming, sleep, and turiya, the fourth state. The state of Yoga Nidra, conscious Deep Sleep, is beyond or subtler than the imagery and mental process of the Waking and Dreaming states. As a state of conscious Deep Sleep, Yoga Nidra is a universal principle, and is not the exclusive domain of any more recent teachers or traditions.

Yoga Nidra CD on

Yoga Nidra Article on Homepage


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yoga Nidra Meditation CD Recommended for Insomnia

Chicago Tribune writer Julie Deardorff recommends the Yoga Nidra CD of Swami Jnaneshvara (ISBN 0972471901) for dealing with insomnia (point #2 of 3 in her article below).

From Chicago Tribune article:

By Julie Deardorff
Chicago Tribune
March 7, 2007

Working mothers trying to "do it all" have the most serious episodes of insomnia, while stay-at-home moms are most likely to sleep poorly, according to the National Sleep Foundation's 2007 Sleep in AmericaPoll.

The main culprits are young children, biological changes like pregnancy and menopause, stress and pets.

I had my first extended bout with insomnia during what should have been a triumphant period of motherhood: right when my oldest child started sleeping through the night. Now, with a 3-month old and a toddler, I don't even try to get sleep. And I don't worry when I still haven't fallen asleep by 2 a.m. and I've just calculated that the most sleep I can get is four hours.

Instead, I do damage control the following day.

Here's how.

1. Exercise.

Exercise is one of the first things to go when women have too much in their day, the study showed, but I use it for a short-term jolt, like caffeine.

Normally, I get on the treadmill, do a slow, warm-up mile and then punish myself for about 15 minutes with either speed or hills. The only requirement is that I break a sweat. Then I run easy for a cool-down mile.

Unfortunately, you'll have to try this at your own risk. When I began looking at research on this, it showed that exercise can actually make you feel worse when you're sleep deprived and can be dangerous. Your coordination goes when you're tired and you actually fall off of the treadmill. Also, if your body doesn't have time to repair during sleep, you're more likely to get injured.

Still, it's how I've been able to work full time despite getting up at least two times a night to nurse. After an intense workout, my head clears and I can focus and get through the day.

2. Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra means "Yogic Sleep" and it's considered a state of conscious deep sleep. But it's not meditation, which leaves you in the waking state of consciousness, says Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati, who produced the audio CD "Yoga Nidra Meditation CD: Extreme Relaxation of Conscious Deep Sleep."

Instead, during Yoga Nidra, you "leave the waking state, go past the dreaming state and enter into deep sleep, all while remaining fully alert and awake," Bharti says. Reaching this state of awareness is easier said than done, of course. To this day, I haven't been able to stay awake through an entire Yoga Nidra CD, which can last between 20 and 60 minutes.

To do it, lie on your back as if in shavasana or corpse pose, with your eyes closed and your palms facing up. If you've got Bhrarti's verbal CD--there's no music--he'll tell you to focus your awareness on 61 points within the body. For example, he'll tell you to bring your attention to your left hand, your pinky finger, your ring finger, your middle finger, your index finger and your thumb. The entire body is scanned in this way until the heart center is reached.

Some swear the process can replace sleep. Others with insomnia use it to help them relax so they can go to sleep.

3. Caffeine

The old standby works because it blocks a certain receptor in the brain that releases a neurotransmitter called adenosine. Adenosine makes us sleepy and if the release of it is prevented, you won't feel quite as tired.

The trick is to avoid using caffeine every day. Only people who avoid it for a while feel a buzz , according to a University of Bristol study presented to the British Nutrition Foundation Conference.

"We do feel a boost from caffeine in the morning, but that's probably due to a reversal of the withdrawal symptoms," researcher Peter Rogers, a biological psychologist told the BBC. "That alertness you feel is you getting back to normal, rather than to an above normal level."

Yoga Nidra Meditation: Extreme Relaxation of Conscious Deep Sleep
ISBN 0972471901
One of the deepest and most popular meditation CDs in the world today.

Yoga Nidra Article at

Yoga Nidra CD at


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Insomnia and Yoga Nidra Meditation

Chicago Tribune article
March 7, 2007

How to Survive Insomnia
Julie Deardorff

Working mothers trying to "do it all" have the most serious episodes of insomnia, while stay-at-home moms are most likely to sleep poorly, according to the National Sleep Foundation's 2007 Sleep in America Poll.

The main culprits are young children, biological changes like pregnancy and menopause, stress and pets.

I had my first extended bout with insomnia during what should have been a triumphant period of motherhood: right when my oldest child started sleeping through the night. Now, with a 3-month old and a toddler, I don’t even try to get sleep. And I don’t worry when I still haven't fallen asleep by 2 a.m. and I've just calculated that the most sleep I can get is four hours.

Instead, I do damage control the following day.

Here’s how.

1. Exercise.

Exercise is one of the first things to go when women have too much in their day, the study showed, but I use it for a short-term jolt, like caffeine.

Normally, I get on the treadmill, do a slow, warm-up mile and then punish myself for about 15 minutes with either speed or hills. The only requirement is that I break a sweat. Then I run easy for a cool-down mile.

Unfortunately, you’ll have to try this at your own risk. When I began looking at research on this, it showed that exercise can actually make you feel worse when you’re sleep deprived and can be dangerous. Your coordination goes when you’re tired and you actually fall off of the treadmill. Also, if your body doesn’t have time to repair during sleep, you’re more likely to get injured.

Still, it’s how I’ve been able to work full time despite getting up at least two times a night to nurse. After an intense workout, my head clears and I can focus and get through the day.

2. Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra means "Yogic Sleep" and it’s considered a state of conscious deep sleep. But it’s not meditation, which leaves you in the waking state of consciousness, says Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati, who produced the audio CD "Yoga Nidra Meditation CD: Extreme Relaxation of Conscious Deep Sleep."

Instead, during Yoga Nidra, you "leave the waking state, go past the dreaming state and enter into deep sleep, all while remaining fully alert and awake," Bharti says. Reaching this state of awareness is easier said than done, of course. To this day, I haven’t been able to stay awake through an entire Yoga Nidra CD, which can last between 20 and 60 minutes.

To do it, lie on your back as if in shavasana or corpse pose, with your eyes closed and your palms facing up. If you’ve got Bhrarti’s verbal CD--there’s no music--he’ll tell you to focus your awareness on 61 points within the body. For example, he’ll tell you to bring your attention to your left hand, your pinky finger, your ring finger, your middle finger, your index finger and your thumb. The entire body is scanned in this way until the heart center is reached.

Some swear the process can replace sleep. Others with insomnia use it to help them relax so they can go to sleep.

3. Caffeine

The old standby works because it blocks a certain receptor in the brain that releases a neurotransmitter called adenosine. Adenosine makes us sleepy and if the release of it is prevented, you won’t feel quite as tired.

The trick is to avoid using caffeine every day. Only people who avoid it for a while feel a buzz , according to a University of Bristol study presented to the British Nutrition Foundation Conference.

"We do feel a boost from caffeine in the morning, but that’s probably due to a reversal of the withdrawal symptoms," researcher Peter Rogers, a biological psychologist told the BBC. "That alertness you feel is you getting back to normal, rather than to an above normal level."


Yoga Nidra Meditation CD: Extreme Relaxation of Conscious Deep Sleep
Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati
ISBN 0972471901
Yoga Nidra CD on
Yoga Nidra Article on Homepage


Yoga Nidra for Rest, Spiritual Awareness, and even Driving!

As an instructor of meditation, I found this practice profound in experience unlike any other. It not only relaxes and rests the body through deep sleep, it allows one to move beyond mental confines into a place of perfect peace and awareness of the vast and infinite of the unseen dimension. Words are inadequate to express the experience. I use Yoga Nidra for bodily rest as well as developing a deeper spiritual awareness. On a recent cross country (USA) drive of some 2,300 miles, I replaced normal sleeping with Yoga Nidra (deep sleep) and made the trip in 51 elapsed hours. For a deeper spiritual awareness, Yoga Nidra has brought me to the verge of samadhi and the precipice of the vast unmanifest realm. It has also enhanced my normal meditative practice by moving me into the peaceful state more quickly and consistently. Yoga Nidra does not require adherence to any particular religion, therefore, it is applicaple to any spiritual aspirant who seeks a deeper relationship with the Divine Creative Intelligence.

By F.C.

Yoga Nidra CD on

Yoga Nidra Article on


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Yoga Nidra is Not Affirmations or Autosuggestion

(Excerpted from the Yoga Nidra article at

Yoga Nidra is not a practice of autosuggestion or verbal affirmations, whether affirming desired personal qualities or worldly objects that are desired. It is also not a process of verbally affirming that you are in Yoga Nidra. If you are still in such a conscious level that you are still making oral affirmations of any kind, then you are definitely not in the subtle state of Yoga Nidra. In such a case, the conscious, Waking state mind has not yet receded into the cause from which it arose.


Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep. It is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet remain awake. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing, it is also used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras, the deep impressions that are the driving force behind Karma.

Yoga Nidra CD on

Yoga Nidra Article on Homepage


Friday, March 2, 2007

Yoga Nidra - Yogic Conscious Deep Sleep

Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep. It is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet remain awake. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing, it is also used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras, the deep impressions that are the driving force behind Karma.

(See also Yoga Nidra article and Karma article).


Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. Yoga Nidra is one of the deepest of all meditations, leading awareness through many levels of mental process to a state of supreme stillness and insight. With patient and thorough reading [of the Yoga Nidra article], the understanding is well worth the effort, allowing you to see the profound depth of Yoga Nidra, which is far beyond just relaxation. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes it takes thousands of words to get the inner "aha" of the meaning. Most important of all, it is the persistent practice that brings the real joy of the practice of Yoga Nidra, as with all useful practices in life and Yoga.

Yoga Nidra CD on

Yoga Nidra Article on Homepage
